Amble Wellbeing Blog
I Hope We Can Learn From Each Other
Why Mentorship Matters | Part I of II
In 2016, I did my first round of a standard 200 hour yoga teacher training and all things considered had a wonderful experience. I met some of my, even to this day, dearest friends in that time and am endlessly grateful for those connections. But my first...
3 Things to Reduce Low Back Pain… But Really Though
If you’ve been on Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest for any amount of time, I’m sure you’ve seen at LEAST one post that says “do these three yoga poses to never have low back pain again,” or some other large claim. Whoa – I mean with all of these poses out there, it...
Quick Lessons from Spain
As many of you know (gah I won’t shut up about it–I know), I recently returned from a sweet couple of weeks in Spain. When people ask me how the trip was and how coming back has been, my consistent response has been, “honestly I feel like I have whiplash.” Sure, I...
Holiday Burnout | ‘Tis the season
We’re in that crazy time of year when all of the holidays, celebrations, parties, and family gatherings seem to collide and pile up. We’re going from this event to that event and burning our candles at both ends until we just completely exhaust ourselves. We’re...
Gratitude, Silver-Linings & Cynicism
Do you roll your eyes when someone says to be grateful or to practice gratitude? I know I definitely can. It can feel really patronizing, invalidating, condescending, generic, and so much more. Gratitude practices so often get used in a spiritually bypassing way that...
The Winds of Stress and Anxiety
The winds of fall are here bringing cooler nights, hectic schedules, and maybe just an ounce or two of stress and anxiety. Sure it’s still quite warm during the day, but there is that crispness to the air ushering in the fall season, and though many of us absolutely...
It’s SO hot! How can yoga help?
HELLO PITTA SEASON! The hot hot summer weather has been with us for a while now. How have you been handling it? I find that most people either love or hate this time of year and there doesn’t seem to be any ‘in betweeners.’ No matter how you feel about it, we must all...
Should we breathe in a box?
Box breathing…am I right? Maybe you’ve heard of box breathing from a therapist or counselor…perhaps you were told about it from a breathwork facilitator…maybe you’ve seen it on instagram or pinterest…it could be that you googled ‘breathing for anxiety’ and box...
The Practicality of Personal Practice
“I’ll let you in on a little secret. Your practice should make you feel better, not worse.” I’ve heard my teacher Gary say this phrase more times than I can count and it’s often in response to someone talking about having some kind of physical pain after their āsana...
Holiday Stress + Noticing Patterns through Yoga
With some space between myself and holidays at home along with the massive amount of time I had to myself in 2020, I discovered some things… I don’t actually hate this time of year at all. Sure, I prefer warmer weather, but there’s a lot about the cooler weather that...
It’s Vata Season! Wait…what’s that mean?
Fall is officially upon us! The leaves have changed and have begun their descent to the ground. Like nature around us, we might be looking at the things we need to release before we move inward for the winter. I have heard so many of my students say that they felt...
Whoa! A Blog?!
That’s right. I’m starting a blog. Can you believe it? No?! Well buckle up… For those of you who follow me on social media, you might have noticed that I’ve taken a big step back. I’ve never been a big social media person for a multitude of reasons and didn’t have any...