Holiday ReConnection by CandleLight

28dec6:00 pm7:00 pmHoliday ReConnection by CandleLightHosted by Glowing Body

Event Details

  • Thursday, December 28, 2023
  • 6:00 PM  7:30 PM
  • The Glowing Body (map)

Has your schedule been packed to the brim with no time for self-care?  Are you exhausted?  The week between Christmas and New Year’s always seems to be a bit of a vortex!  We get so swamped planning holiday events, running from one place to another, and doing that last little bit of shopping, that we get completely thrown off and disconnected from ourselves. Take some time for yourself in this 90 minute candlelit event where we’ll reconnect to our bodies and ourselves through gentle movement, breath, and stillness.  Create some space for tuning in, resetting, and restoring.

Thursday, December 28th, 6-7:30pm

$35 per student
All supplies provided.

Please note you will need to create a MINDBODY account to register. Please reach out if you have any issues. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER



December 28, 2023 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm(GMT+00:00)


Amberly Kelley-Dotson, E-RYT

Amberly employs her diverse expertise to foster a harmonious connection between the body and mind. Drawing on a range of techniques including therapeutic yoga, Ayurveda, holistic coaching, and recreation therapy, she endeavors to enhance the well-being of individuals—enabling them to experience a profound sense of improvement in their bodies, minds, and hearts, ultimately fostering a deeper connection with themselves.
Holistic Coach & Self-Care Sage

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